Unparalleled Service

At Pendulum, our goal is to de-risk, de-stress and delight!


Sellers - preparing your home for the market can be stressful. We look to ease that stress by overseeing the entire process through our “hands-on” approach. Need a painter, a carpenter or even an architect to legalize a basement or bathroom or create a pool rendering? We will bring in quality and reasonably priced tradespeople and oversee the entire process at no additional cost for our time. Have a contractor you prefer to use? Great. We will coordinate with them and make sure everything is done correctly and on time. On photo day, we walk through your home to make certain everything is perfect and then oversee the photo shoot to ensure the best features of your home are captured.


Buyers - in addition to advising you on your home purchase, we remain heavily involved in the inspection, contract and closing process to ensure your needs are met and your transaction proceeds smoothly. 

Work with Us

Learn about our “client-first” approach including transparency and personalized analytics, unparalleled guidance and support, reduced listing fees for sellers and cash rebates for buyers.

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